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OpenTAP in Education: UCSC Students Automate OpenTAP Forum with AI

Every year for the last four, Keysight has collaborated with faculty at the University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC) Baskin Engineering School to sponsor senior projects in test automation. This year, one of those projects focused on leveraging LLMs (Large Language Models) to improve the timeliness of responses to questions on the OpenTAP Forum.

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OpenTAP in Education: UCSC Students Automate Plugin Creation Using AI

Every year for the last four, Keysight has collaborated with faculty at the University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC) Baskin Engineering School to sponsor senior projects in test automation. This year (Spring 2024), one of those projects focused on leveraging LLMs (Large Language Models) to streamline the creation of OpenTAP plugins in Python.

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