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OpenTAP in the Supply Chain

Concern for product quality, system security and standards compliance serve to highlight the importance of rigorous testing.  Test automation with OpenTAP is key to meeting QA/QC goals, especially in today’s environment of short lifecycles for increasingly complex products and services.

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OpenTAP in the Keysight APT Toolset

The OpenTAP team caught up with APT tool set R&D manager Haran S. earlier this year for a chat about the advantages of using OpenTAP in off-the-shelf products. This interview focuses on the role of OpenTAP (and its commercial version, PathWave Test Automation) in creating and delivering the 5G Advanced Performance Test Toolset.

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The Cyber Resilience Act – Part II : CRA, Open Source and Test Automation

The CRA explicitly addresses open source software (OSS) but with important nuances and exceptions: open source software is generally exempt from CRA requirements if it is developed or supplied outside the context of a commercial activity; shared freely for public use, without direct financial gain. This exemption aims to protect non-commercial contributors, such as community-driven and academic OSS projects, from regulatory burden.  However, given the actual mix of commercial and non-commercial OSS development, this language is highly contentious.

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OpenTAP in Shipping Products : Update 15-Jan-2025

Increasingly systems architects are including richer test capabilities in their company's shipping products. OEMs are deploying OpenTAP in development and manufacturing. Device manufacturers are also embedding the test platform, either downloaded directly from the OpenTAP project or from the supported commercial version, the Keysight PathWave Test Automation Deployment System. This blog highlights the many products that are today deploying OpenTAP to provide embedded test automation.

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The Cyber Resilience Act – Part I : What you need to know

The EU Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) was formally approved by the European Parliament on March 29, 2024, following a political agreement reached in December 2023. The regulation establishes cybersecurity requirements for digital products to ensure their resilience against cyber threats and to provide for secure usage across the  European Union (EU). The aim of the Act is to enhance the security of digital products and connected devices across the EU. Its primary goal is ensuring that hardware, software, and IT services sold in the EU meet robust security standards throughout their lifecycles.

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Testing OpenTAP

Like any software project or product, the OpenTAP test automation platform benefits from rigorous test and quality assurance (QA) as part of its build and release process. Recently, the team spent time with Keysight QA and Release Manager Sebastian Pop-Vlaic, chatting about how the OpenTAP project team and the Keysight organization go about testing OpenTAP.

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Becoming an OpenTAP Change Angel

A “change angel” is an individual who acts as a catalyst for change within an organization. Change angels help facilitate and manage the process of change by influencing and inspiring others, through advocacy, facilitation, problem solving, leadership and influencing. Learn how you can become a change angels with OpenTAP and see the benefits it brings to your company and your career.

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SCPI and OpenTAP

SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments) is a a standard with particular relevance for OpenTAP and the ecosystem of instruments that it supports. SCPI defines an interface for controlling test and measurement devices. Introduced in 1990 as a layer on top of IEEE 488.2-1987,  it provides commands for oscilloscopes, multimeters, spectrum analyzers, and power supplies.

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The Impact of Standards on Test Automation

Modern products and services are highly dependent upon the development and application of standards. Without the presence of and adherence to standards, software and systems could not interoperate – every piece of technology, down to basic nuts and bolts and nails used in construction, would be artisanal, raising costs and limiting utility.

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Government Mandates for Open Source Security

In response to the increasing pace of major breaches, ransomeware attacks, network outages and wide-reaching system and application crashes, Government regulators are acting to safeguard individual citizens and businesses. Opinions differ as to the actual impact of open source on security and uptime, but no one would argue that improving the quality and security of all code benefits users, integrators and developers.

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OpenTAP in Education: UCSC Students Automate OpenTAP Forum with AI

Every year for the last four, Keysight has collaborated with faculty at the University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC) Baskin Engineering School to sponsor senior projects in test automation. This year, one of those projects focused on leveraging LLMs (Large Language Models) to improve the timeliness of responses to questions on the OpenTAP Forum.

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OpenTAP and Security Testing IV - Wireless Security

Wireless network security testing involves evaluating the security measures and protocols of a wireless network to identify vulnerabilities and ensure the network is protected against unauthorized access and attacks. The testing process typically includes several steps and techniques, and so benefit greatly from test automation with OpenTAP

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